Special Pension under Regulation 95 of Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964 – Implementation of Supreme Court Order: PCDA Circular No. 636


Special Pension under Regulation 95 of Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964 – Implementation of Supreme Court Order: PCDA Circular No. 636

Special Pension under Regulation 95 of Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964 – Implementation of Supreme Court Order: PCDA Circular No. 636

Office of the Principal CDA (Pensions)
Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad- 211014

Circular No. 636

Dated: 29.07.2020

Subject:- Implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court Order Dt. 27/09/2018 in Contempt petition (C) No. 1860/2017 and 924/2018 and MA No. 1067/2018 in civil appeal No. 2147/2011 with contempt petition (C) No. 04/2018 in SLP (CC) No. 19790/2010, for grant of Special Pension under Regulation 95 of Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964.

Reference:- This office Circular No. 546 dated 10.09.2015, No. 588 dated 20.10.2017,
No. 595 dated 25.01.2018,No. 632 dated 30.03.2020 and No.633 dated 30.03.2020.


In above mentioned subject, it is intimated that Special pension to Ex-Naval personnel are being notified by generating manual PPOs (Computerised). Hard copies of such PPOs are being sent to the NAVPEN. Descriptive Roll, Ink-singed PPO and other necessary documents are further submitted to respective CPPC/DPDO/Treasury Offices by the NAVPEN Office, Mumbai.

2. In pursuance of the decision to impose various restrictions in view of threat posed by the spread of COVID-19, NAVPEN has been requested to transmit scanned copies of necessary documents alongwith digitally signed pdf of PPO to the Pension Disbursing Agencies through their official email-ID as per Circular No. 632 dated 30.03.2020.

3. In view of above, all PDAs are hereby requested to accept the digitally signed pdf of PPOs (only for Special Naval Pension cases) for immediate implementation of Apex Court order. Digitally signed pdf of PPOs and other necessary documents will be submitted by NAVPEN to PDAs through their official email-ID: [email protected]. All instructions contained in circular No.633 dated 30.03.2020 apply mutatis mutandis in Special Naval Pension cases.

4. This measure has been necessitated to avoid any adverse comment of Apex Court and will be applicable only in the Special Naval Pension cases.

5. All other instructions will remain unchanged.

6. This Circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in for dissemination to all concerned.

7. Hindi version will follow.

No. Grants/Tech/0148/LXI
Dated: 29.07.2020

(Sushil Kumar Singh)
Addl. CDA (P)

Referred Order:

Simplification of pension payment procedure-submission of certificates by retiring Armed Forces Personnel along with pension papers: PCDA(P) Circular No.546

PCDA Circular 632: Submission of certificates by retiring Armed Forces Personnel/ Defence Civilian along with pension papers

PCDA Circular 633: Simplification of pension payment procedure

7th CPC Implementation for Post-2016 retired Armed Forces Pensioners / Family Pensioners- New PPO Series: PCDA Circular 588

Grant of Special Pension under Regulation 95 of Navy (Pension) Regulations, 1964 – Implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court order


Source: Click here to view/download the PDF