Ministry of Defence 22-August, 2012
Correcting Anomalies in Sixth Central Pay Commission
Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and several improvements
made thereon by the Government have been largely well received by the armed
forces personnel including ex-servicemen. Some issues regarding service
conditions, pay, pension and allowances have subsequently been received. These
issues are examined by the Government on case to case basis.
made thereon by the Government have been largely well received by the armed
forces personnel including ex-servicemen. Some issues regarding service
conditions, pay, pension and allowances have subsequently been received. These
issues are examined by the Government on case to case basis.
In the matter
relating to retirement benefits, an Anomaly Committee was set up under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (Defence/Finance). This Committee identified some
anomalies which have since been addressed to by the Government.
relating to retirement benefits, an Anomaly Committee was set up under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (Defence/Finance). This Committee identified some
anomalies which have since been addressed to by the Government.
of service conditions, pay, allowances and retirement benefits of armed forces
personnel is a continuous process. Recently, a Committee headed by the Cabinet
Secretary has been set up to look into certain issues of relevance to the
defence service personnel and ex-servicemen and to provide suitable
of service conditions, pay, allowances and retirement benefits of armed forces
personnel is a continuous process. Recently, a Committee headed by the Cabinet
Secretary has been set up to look into certain issues of relevance to the
defence service personnel and ex-servicemen and to provide suitable
This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK
Antony in a written reply to Shri Mohd. Ali Khan in Rajya Sabha
Antony in a written reply to Shri Mohd. Ali Khan in Rajya Sabha
Full Details of Rajya Sabha Q&A
ANSWERED ON-22.08.2012
Correcting anomalies in Sixth Central Pay Commission
(a) whether Government is making all efforts to do away with the certain anomalies in the Sixth Central Pay Commission affecting retired and serving Army personnel; and
(b) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken so far for each cadre?
(a) & (b): Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and several improvements made thereon by the Government have been largely well received by the armed forces personnel including ex-servicemen. Some issues regarding service conditions, pay, pension and allowances have subsequently been received. These issues are examined by the Government on case to case basis.
In the matter relating to retirement benefits, an Anomaly Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Defence/Finance). This Committee identified some anomalies which have since been addressed to by the Government.
Improvement of service conditions, pay, allowances and retirement benefits of armed forces personnel is a continuous process. Recently, a Committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary has been set up to look into certain issues of relevance to the defence service personnel and ex-servicemen and to provide suitable recommendations.
भारत सरकार
रक्षा मंत्रालय
रक्षा विभाग
राज्य सभा
अतारांकित प्रश्न संख्या 1133
22 अगस्त, 2012 को उत्तर के लिए
छठे केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग की विसंगतियों को दूर करना
1133. श्री मोहम्मद अली खान :
क्या रक्षा मंत्री यह बताने की कृपा करेंगे कि :
(क) क्या सरकार सेवानिवृत्त और कार्यरत सैन्य कर्मियों को प्रभावित करने वाली छठे केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग की कतिपय विसंगतियों को दूर करने के भरसकर प्रयास कर रही है ; और
(ख) यदि हां, तो तत्संबंधी ब्यौरा क्या है और प्रत्येक संवर्ग हेतु अब तक क्या-क्या कदम उठाए गए हैं ?
रक्षा मंत्री ( श्री ए.के. अन्टनी )
(क) और (ख) छठे केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों और उस पर सरकार द्वारा किए गए अनेक सुधारों को भूतपूर्व सैनिकों सहित सशस्त्र सेना बलों के कार्मिकों द्वारा व्यापक तौर पर स्वीकार कर लिया गया है । सेवा शर्तों, वेतन, पेंशन और भत्तों से संबंधित कुछ मुद्दे बाद में प्राप्त हुए हैं । इन मुद्दों पर सरकार द्वारा मामला-दर-मामला आधार पर विचार किया गया है ।
सेवानिवृत्ति लाभ से संबंधित मामलों पर विचार करने के लिए सचिव (रक्षा/वित्त) की अध्यक्षता में एक विसंगति समिति का गठन किया गया था । इस समिति ने कुछ विसंगतियों की पहचान की है जिनका समाधान सरकार द्वारा अभी किया जाना है ।
सशस्त्र सेना बलों के कार्मिकों की सेवा शर्तों, वेतन, भत्तों और सेवानिवृत्ति लाभों में सुधार करते रहना एक सतत् प्रक्रिया है । हाल ही में, मंत्रिमंडल सचिव की अध्यक्षता में एक समिति गठित की गई है, जिसे रक्षा सेना कार्मिकों और भूतपूर्व सैनिकों के कतिपय प्रासंगिक मामलों पर विचार करने और उन पर अपने समुचित सुझाव देने का कार्य सौंपा गया है ।
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In the Income-tax Department, on passing of Departmental Exams two advanced increments will be allowed. those who passed the exams prior to 1-1-2006 got only Rs.400/-, where as who passed the exams after 1-1-2006 got 3% of basic pay, may result huge difference in basic pay. The employees who has high pay before the 6th cpc are drawing less pay, when compared with the exployees passed the exams after 01-01-2006, actually, their pay is much less before 6th CPC. This is a great anomaly in the pay fixation of Income-tax Inspectors. The same needs through examination to rectyfy the anomaly.
Hearty Congratulaions and Thanks to the Honourable NAC members in doing justice though late ,to those unfortunate employees whose DNI falls between Feb 2006-June 2006 by granting one increment in the pre-revised scale on 1st Jan 2006 and granting them one increment in Revised Scale on 1st July 2006 ,as a one time gesture.
Inorder to avoid the desparity ,it is only a similar and fair justice to grant one increment in the revised scale on 1st July 2006 to those employees who opt for their Pay revision on their date of Promotion between Feb 2006-June 2006 ,as a one time gesture.
I request the immediate attention of the Honourable NAC members for favourable consideration ,towards issue of the necessary Office Orders .
Otherwise people some people will enjoy by availing 2-3 annual increments within a span of 1 year ,some unfortunate employees LIKE ME will suffer due not gettint any annual increments for 2years due to the unnoticed big anamoly as I have explained below:-
Dear sir
i m facing great anamaly in my pay fixation.i was drawing more payment as compare to my seniors because of my next promotion and also drawing more payment than juniors batch as usual before pay implementation .But after implementation of 6th pay commission in Oct 08 my basic pay become much less as compare to senior who failed to get promotion and my pay is equal to junior batch.
Before pay fixation we were drawing as follows:-
persons Month jul 05 Dec 05 Feb 06 Jul 06 Jul 07 Jul 08 remarks
I was a jco with basic pay 5400 in Jan 06 with annual increment month Mar for Rs 125,and I got two promotion in Feb 06 (to Rs 6000 ,incrementrs 150)and apr 07(to rs 6700,increment amount Rs 250) 5400 5400 6000(got 1st promotion) 6000 6700(got 2nd promotion) 6950(got increment in Apr 07) I became senior and assigned more duties
My friend was also a jco with same scale5400 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got only one promotion to Rs 6000 in Dec 05 and then no more promotion 5400 6000 6000 6000 6150(got increment in dec 06) 6150 Became junior
My 2nd friend was also a jco with same scale5400 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got also two promotion in Dec 05(to Rs 6000) and apr 08(toRs 6700) 5400 6000 6000 6000 6150(got increment in dec 06) 6750(got promotion increment in Apr 08) Became junior
Our junior was also a jco with scale5270 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got one promotion to Rs 6000 in Dec 06 and then no more promotion 5275 5275 5275 5400 6000(got 1st promotion in Dec 06) 6150(got increment in dec 07) junior
After pay fixation we were drawing as follows:-
Jan 06 Feb 06 Jul 06 Jul 07 Jul 08 remarks
I was a jco with basic pay 5400 in Jan 06 with annual increment month Mar for Rs 125,and I got two promotion in Feb 06 (to Rs 6000 ,incrementrs 150)and apr 07(to rs 6700,increment amount Rs 250) 5400(old scheme) 11160(Post fixation my basic was very less so I opt to pay fixation from Feb 06i.e 6000×1.86) 11160 6700(GP-4600) 6950
My friend was also a jco with same scale5400 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got only one promotion to Rs 6000 in Dec 05 and then no more promotion 11160(GP-4200) 11160(GP-4200) 11600
My 2nd friend was also a jco with same scale5400 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got also two promotion in Dec 05(to Rs 6000) and apr 08(toRs 6700) 11160(GP-4200) 11160(GP-4200)
Our junior was also a jco with scale5270 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got one promotion to Rs 6000 in Dec 06 and then no more promotion 9800(GP-3500) 9800(GP-3500)
Hearty Congratulaions and Thanks to the Honourable NAC members in doing justice though late ,to those unfortunate employees whose DNI falls between Feb 2006-June 2006 by granting one increment in the pre-revised scale on 1st Jan 2006 and granting them one increment in Revised Scale on 1st July 2006 ,as a one time gesture.
Inorder to avoid the desparity ,it is only a similar and fair justice to grant one increment in the revised scale on 1st July 2006 to those employees who opt for their Pay revision on their date of Promotion between Feb 2006-June 2006 ,as a one time gesture.
I request the immediate attention of the Honourable NAC members for favourable consideration ,towards issue of the necessary Office Orders .
Otherwise people some people will enjoy by availing 2-3 annual increments within a span of 1 year ,some unfortunate employees LIKE ME will suffer due not gettint any annual increments for 2years due to the unnoticed big anamoly as I have explained below:-
Dear sir
i m facing great anamaly in my pay fixation.i was drawing more payment as compare to my seniors because of my next promotion and also drawing more payment than juniors batch as usual before pay implementation .But after implementation of 6th pay commission in Oct 08 my basic pay become much less as compare to senior who failed to get promotion and my pay is equal to junior batch.
Before pay fixation we were drawing as follows:-
persons Month jul 05 Dec 05 Feb 06 Jul 06 Jul 07 Jul 08 remarks
I was a jco with basic pay 5400 in Jan 06 with annual increment month Mar for Rs 125,and I got two promotion in Feb 06 (to Rs 6000 ,incrementrs 150)and apr 07(to rs 6700,increment amount Rs 250) 5400 5400 6000(got 1st promotion) 6000 6700(got 2nd promotion) 6950(got increment in Apr 07) I became senior and assigned more duties
My friend was also a jco with same scale5400 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got only one promotion to Rs 6000 in Dec 05 and then no more promotion 5400 6000 6000 6000 6150(got increment in dec 06) 6150 Became junior
My 2nd friend was also a jco with same scale5400 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got also two promotion in Dec 05(to Rs 6000) and apr 08(toRs 6700) 5400 6000 6000 6000 6150(got increment in dec 06) 6750(got promotion increment in Apr 08) Became junior
Our junior was also a jco with scale5270 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got one promotion to Rs 6000 in Dec 06 and then no more promotion 5275 5275 5275 5400 6000(got 1st promotion in Dec 06) 6150(got increment in dec 07) junior
After pay fixation we were drawing as follows:-
Jan 06 Feb 06 Jul 06 Jul 07 Jul 08 remarks
I was a jco with basic pay 5400 in Jan 06 with annual increment month Mar for Rs 125,and I got two promotion in Feb 06 (to Rs 6000 ,incrementrs 150)and apr 07(to rs 6700,increment amount Rs 250) 5400(old scheme) 11160(Post fixation my basic was very less so I opt to pay fixation from Feb 06i.e 6000×1.86) 11160 6700(GP-4600) 6950
My friend was also a jco with same scale5400 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got only one promotion to Rs 6000 in Dec 05 and then no more promotion 11160(GP-4200) 11160(GP-4200) 11600
My 2nd friend was also a jco with same scale5400 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got also two promotion in Dec 05(to Rs 6000) and apr 08(toRs 6700) 11160(GP-4200) 11160(GP-4200)
Our junior was also a jco with scale5270 with annual increment month jun for Rs 125 but got one promotion to Rs 6000 in Dec 06 and then no more promotion 9800(GP-3500) 9800(GP-3500)