Reduction of Beat length for patrolling of railway tracks – Record Note of discussions on PNM/NFIR Item No. 16/2021
Reduction of Beat length for patrolling of railway tracks - Record Note of discussions of separate meeting held by Member (Infrastructure) with NFIR o [...]
Pay fixation of Running Staff consequent to empanelment and promotion to stationary post — Case of CLA
Pay fixation of Running Staff consequent to empanelment and promotion to stationary post — Case of CLA - Record Note of discussion with NFIR: ND of me [...]
Timely Disbursement of Dearness Relief and Monthly Pension to Pensioners of Autonomous Bodies: BPS writes for urgent action
Timely Disbursement of Dearness Relief and Monthly Pension to Pensioners of Autonomous Bodies: BPS writes for urgent action
Standardization and categorization of return reasons in PFMS in line of revised Receipt and Payment Rules 2022
Standardization and categorization of return reasons in PFMS in line of revised Receipt and Payment Rules 2022: CGA OM dated 02.05.2024
Ministry of F [...]
Extension of CGHS facilities to the families of CAPFs irrespective of place of posting: MoHFW
Extension of CGHS facilities to the families of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) personnel irrespective of place of posting: MoHFW OM dated 29.04.2 [...]
Clarification regarding admissibility of interest on GPF subscription over and above the threshold limit of Rupees Five lakhs deducted towards GPF: DoPPW OM dated 02.05.2024
Clarification regarding admissibility of interest on GPF subscription over and above the threshold limit of Rupees Five lakhs deducted towards GPF: Do [...]
Grant of fund for modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteen located in Central Government Offices: DoP&T OM dated 06.05.2024
Grant of fund for modernisation of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteen located in Central Government Offices: DoP&T OM dated 06.05.2024
Fu [...]
Inter-Railway Request Transfer- Hardships being faced by the staff: RBE No. 39/2024
Inter-Railway Request Transfer- Hardships being faced by the staff: RBE No. 39/2024 dated 03.05.2024
RBE No.39/2024
भारत सरकार / GOVERNMENT OF INDIA [...]
Clarification on retention of Railway accommodation at previous place of posting by DRMs: RBE No. 38/2024
Clarification on retention of Railway accommodation at previous place of posting by DRMs - relaxations and conditions governing retention: RBE No. 3 [...]
Inclusion of details of IGOT courses completed in the Self-Appraisal while filling APAR
Inclusion of details of IGOT courses completed during the Assessment Period in the Self-Appraisal while filling APAR: DoT O.M.
F. No. CS & Protoc [...]