DoPT approves mass promotion of 1,600 ASOs to SO on directions of Dr Jitendra Singh डीओपीटी ने अनुभाग अधिकारियों के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर पदोन्नति को स्वीकृति दी
DoPT approves mass promotion of 1,600 ASOs to SO on directions of Dr Jitendra Singh डीओपीटी ने अनुभाग अधिकारियों के लिए लगभग 1,600 सहायक अनुभाग अधिकार [...]
Employment for Ex-servicemen पूर्व सैनिकों के लिए रोजगार – DGR inks MoU with Private Sector to generate employment
Employment for Ex-servicemen पूर्व सैनिकों के लिए रोजगार - DGR inks MoU with Private Sector to generate employment
Ministry of Defence
Directorate [...]
DA from 01.01.2023 to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales
DA from 01.01.2023 to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs on 5th CPC pay scales governed by HPPC recommendations: Department of Public Enterprises OM d [...]
Grant of Notional increment to employees retiring on 30th June and 31st December – CAG advices to implement the order
Grant of Notional increment to employees retiring on 30th June and 31st December - CAG advices to implement the order of Allahabad High Court and simi [...]
Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission: Pensioners Associations are ready for united action
Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission: Pensioners Associations are ready for united action
BPS ready for Common Action on 8th CPC!
NCCPA wrote [...]
Chief Vigilance Officers, holding additional charge – Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites: CVC Circular No. 05/06/23
Chief Vigilance Officers, holding additional charge - Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites: CVC Circular No. 05/06/23 dated 26.06.2023
केन् [...]
Sensitizing the Public about corruption — display of standard notice board by Departments/Organizations: CVC Circular No. 14/6/09
Sensitizing the Public about corruption — display of standard notice board by Departments/Organizations: CVC Circular No. 14/6/09 vide No. 99/VGL/16 d [...]
Validation of Option / Joint Options by employees to get pension on higher wages – Last date for submission is extended to 11.07.2023
Validation of Option / Joint Options by employees to get pension on higher wages - Last date for submission is extended to 11.07.2023
Ministry of [...]
Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July) for the pensionary benefits – Clarification by Railway Board Order dt 20.06.2023
Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July) for the pensionary benefits to those employees who had retired on 30th of June before drawing the sam [...]
Systematic Lump sum Withdrawal (SLW) for the benefit of NPS Subscribers and smart withdrawal facility
Systematic Lump sum Withdrawal (SLW) for the benefit of NPS Subscribers and facilitate them with smart withdrawal facility: PFRDA letter dated 08.02.2 [...]