Railway Board Order: Working Hours for preventive measures to contain the spread of Corona Virus – RBE No. 34/2020
Railway Board Order: Working Hours for preventive measures to contain the spread of Corona Virus - RBE No. 34/2020
COVID 19 Spread – 50% Staff to work from home – Example of Weekly Roster of Duty with reference to DoPT OM 19.03.2020
COVID 19 Spread - 50% Staff to work from home - Example of Weekly Roster of Duty with reference to DoPT OM 19.03.2020
DoPT has suggested to all Minis [...]
Clarification by DoPT on formation of Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee (CGEWCC) & List of all 42 CGEWCC
Clarification by DoPT on Formation of Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee (CGEWCC) & List of CGEWCC - DoPT Order dated 18t [...]
Applicability of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 to persons re-employed in Government Service: MoD Note to DoPT i.r.o. re-employed ex-serviceman
Applicability of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 to persons re-employed in Government Service: MoD Note to DoPT i.r.o. re-employed ex-serviceman
Ministry of Def [...]
Preventive measures COVID 19 – 50% Gp B & C Officers to attend office, 50% will work from home: DoPT Order 19.03.2020
Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID 19 - 50% Gp B & C Officers are required to attend office and 50% will work from home - DoPT Ord [...]
Initial pay fixation of re-employed ex-servicemen retired before attaining the age of 55 years appointed in Railways: NFIR
Initial pay fixation of re-employed ex-servicemen retired before attaining the age of 55 years appointed in Railways: NFIR
Granting pay re-fixation t [...]
Employees’ Pension Scheme (Amendment) Scheme, 2020 – Normal Pension after 15 Years of Commutation, Number of Employees enrolled and amount distributed
Employees’ Pension Scheme (Amendment) Scheme, 2020 - Normal Pension after 15 Years of Commutation, State/UT-wise details of number of employees enroll [...]
NPS to OPS – Coverage under Railway Pension Rules in place of NPS : NFIR writes for correct implementation
NPS to OPS - Coverage under Railway Pension Rules in place of NPS : NFIR writes to Secretary, Railway Board for correct implementation of DoP&PW O [...]
Gazetted Officers Confederation writes to PM Modi for Closing of Central Govt Offices to stop spreading Coronavirus
Gazetted Officers Confederation writes to PM Modi for Closing of Central Govt Offices to stop spreading Coronavirus
Confederation of Central Governme [...]
Strengthening Assessment and Evaluation Practices of CBSE- Changes for classes IX-XII (2020-21) year-end/Board Examination
Strengthening Assessment and Evaluation Practices of CBSE- Changes for classes IX-XII (2020-21) year-end/Board Examination
केन्द्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्ष [...]