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7th Pay Commission โ€“ Pay Fixation โ€“ IPAS : Railway Board Order RBA No. 51/2016

7th Pay Commission โ€“ Pay Fixation โ€“ IPAS : Railway Board Order RBA No. 51/2016


Most Immediate
RBA No. 51/2016

No. 2016/AC-H(CC)/IPAS/ 37/7 (Zonal Railways)

3rd August, 2016

General Manager,
All Zonal Railways and Production Units

Sub:- Pay Commission -Pay Fixation-IPAS.

Railway Board has issued a notification regarding the modalities of pay fixation arising out of Governmentโ€™s acceptance of 7th CPC recommendations. It is presumed that all the Zonal Railways are in the state of preparedness for implementing these recommendations, as notified by Railway Board. Now that IPAS has been implemented in all the Zonal Railways (except Metro Railway, Kolkata), pay fixation and generation of pay bills and payment of arrears will also be done through IPAS Pay Commission Dte has issued separate instructions on the subject vide Railway Boardโ€™s orders 93/2016 and 94/ 2016 which includes the statement of fixation. These instructions are to be read along with the notification of Railway Service (Revised Pay) rules, 2016.
a) CRIS has already started the modification of IPAS and the system is expected to be in place by 4th August, 2016;
b) There will be a window in IPAS to carry out the 7tlrl CPC activities which includes special categories viz., ASMs, TTES, Traffic Assistant/ Metro, Dieticians and Perfusionists, etc where upgradation of pay has been granted; Concerned Accounts Staff of Estt. Gaz Section in case of Gazetted establishments and Bill Clerk in Personnel Branch in case of NoniGazetted Staff can generate Draft pay fixation statement and confirm the same on IPAS after necessary check and verification;
c) The above processes shall be completed in all respect by 15th August, 2016 without fail;
d) Salary Bills for the month of Augustโ€™2016 shall be generated from IPAS as per the revised pay as per 7th CPC recommendations, after necessary checks and verifications;
e) All the allowances will be worked out in IPAS on the basis of pay drawn as per 6th CPC;
f) The arrears payable as per 7th CPC will be calculated by the system and the same will be included in August 2016 salary, as a separate component.
g) All statutory recoveries via, Income Tax, etc and other recoveries via, PF, NPS, advances recoveries, etc will be done at source as per the usual practice;
h) As already mentioned the system of pro-check is dispensed with for this payment in Augustโ€™2016.
However all the pay fixation statement should be sent to associate Accounts Office for vetting within a span of two months.
i) Accounts Department shall check (post audit) this statement within 3 months. If some changes are required then, the same can be returned to the concerned Clerks for rectification.
j) Accounts Personnel and other Bill preparing Officers shall make an advance plan for finally completing this work by 31.10.2016, as per instructions.
k) Any over payment/ under payment has to be adjusted in subsequent salary bill;
l) Once this process is completed then the system will save the revised pay data for future use, while retaining the pay data as per 6th CPC also in a separate table for calculation of allowances till further notification of GOI in this regard.
m) Fixation statement duly sanctioned by the Bill Preparing authority and vetted by Accounts Department shall be filed properly in the Service Records of the concerned Officer/ Staff;
2. As regards to the Production Units and Metro Railway where IPAS has not been implemented, the above process may be carried out using their in-house software itself and ensure the compliance of Railway Boardโ€™s instructions.
3. The above instructions may be scrupulously followed. 

(B.B. Verma) 
Advisor / Accounts

Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/accounts/downloads/circular/2016/RBA_51.pdf