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Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT as on 30th April, 2016

Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in DoPT from 1st January, 2011 to 30th April 2016 A. Approved by Cabinet - Total 15 B. Pending Propo [...]
7th pay commission: Central govt employees to get single-tier pay band

7th pay commission: Central govt employees to get single-tier pay band

7th pay commission: Central govt employees to get single-tier pay band New Delhi: With the delay in implementation of 7th pay commission, every [...]

One Stop Government e-Marketplace (GeM) by DGS&D: Insertion of Rule 141-A in GFR 2005

One Stop Government e-Marketplace (GeM) by DGS&D: Insertion of Rule 141-A in GFR 2005 Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry [...]

New form to claim tax rebate on LTA, HRA & Interest paid on home loans

New form to claim tax rebate on LTA, HRA NEW DELHI: The income tax department has come out with a standard Form 12BB for salaried taxpayers to cl [...]

Minimum rates of wages and variable dearness allowance w.e.f. 01.04.2016: Railway Board Order RBE No. 37

Revision of minimum rates of wages and variable dearness allowance w.e.f. 01.04.2016: Railway Board Order RBE No. 37 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTR [...]

Issues relating to repeal of Pensions Act, 1871: Minutes of the meeting held on 28.4.2016

Minutes of the meeting held on 28.4.2016 at 3.00 p.m. to discuss the issues relating to repeal of pensions act, 1871 List of participants is anne [...]

7th Pay Commission – If grievance not met – Trains will be off the track from 11 July

7th Pay Commission – NFIR Ultimatum to Jaitely – If grievance not met – Trains will be off the track from 11 July 7th Pay Commission – NFIR Ultim [...]

7th CPC has accepted few of our demands in Principle – struggle continues for more: BPS

7th CPC has accepted few of our demands in Principle - struggle continues: BPS Secy Genl. BPS speech at Lumding on 2.4.2016 on 02.04.2016 Respec [...]

Abolition of 85% post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA(erstwhile LDC)

Abolition of 85% post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA(erstwhile LDC) No. 13/3/2016-CS.II(B) Government of India M [...]

MACP on Promotional Hierarchy: Withdrawal of SLP from Supreme Court urged to PM

Regarding financial Up-gradations under MACP as per hierarchy to Subordinate Employees of MoD – Request for withdrawal of SLP filed by UOI in Hon’bl [...]
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