
EPFO: Simplified UAN based withdrawal claim Forms No 19 (UAN), 10C (UAN) and 31 (UAN)

EPFO: Simplified UAN based withdrawal claim Forms No 19 (UAN), 10C (UAN) and 31 (UAN):-

Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India
No.14, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110 066

No. WSU/10(1)2011/Changes in MAP/31406

Date: 0l DEC 2015
In Exercise of powers conferred under para 78 of Employeesโ€™ Provident Funds Scheme 1952, the Central Govt. has directed the following:

โ€œa. The employees whose details like AADHAR Number and Bank Account Number have been seeded in their UAN and who UAN have been activated, may submit claims in Form-19, Form-1oC and Form 31 directly to the Commissioner without attestation of their employers, in such form and manner as may be specified by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner, for fast settlement of claims.
b. The above direction be made operational with immediate effect.โ€
2. Pursuant to the said direction and notwithstanding the provisions of para 72(5) of the Employeesโ€™ Provident Funds Scheme 1952, Central Provident Fund Commissioner, hereby prescribe the new forms 19 UAN, 10C UAN and 31 UAN for all employees whose AADHAR Number and Bank details have been seeded as KYC and have been duly verified by the employer using digital signature and the details in form No. 11 new have been completed.
3. All other employees not fulfilling the above conditions shall continue to make their claims of withdrawal in existing form No. 19, 10C & 31, as the case may be.
4. It is reiterated that form No. 19 UAN, form No. 10C UAN and form No. 31 UAN need not be attested by employer and should be submitted by the employee directly to the respective jurisdictional EPF Office.

Central Provident Fund Commissioner

EPF Form 10C-UAN โ€“ Click on image for larger view

EPF Form-19(UAN) โ€“ Click on image for larger view

EPF Form 31(UAN) โ€“ Click on image for larger view

Source: http://epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2015-2016/WSU_Changes_MAP_31406.pdf

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