1 15 16 17 18 19 170 / 183 POSTS

A valid Email ID and Mobile Number to be Registered/Updated on the E-Filing Website of the Income Tax Department

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Finance  04-July-2014 18:21 IST A valid Email ID and Mobile Number to be Reg [...]

LDC/UDC ISSUE : Going through the comments of the viewers

 LDC/UDC ISSUE : Going through the comments of the viewers! Dear friends, More than two dozen comments have been posted on the JCM Staff Side [...]

Arrears from 01.01.2006 to Pensioner: Implementation of the order dated 1.11.2011 of Hon’ble CAT: BPS writes to Persmin

Arrears from 01.01.2006 to Pensioner: Implementation of the order dated 1.11.2011 of Hon'ble CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi in OA No. 655/2010, BPS [...]

Deputation/Tours abroad – revised deputation proforma

No.4(1)/E.Coord-2014 Government of India  Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure North Block, New Delhi, 2nd July, 2014 Office Memo [...]

3rd MACP on either 10 years from the 2nd MACP/Promotion or 30 years of the overall service: DoPT’s Clarification to Railways

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) No PC-V/2011/M/3/AIRF New Delhi, dated 01.07.2014 The General Secretary AIRF 4, State Ent [...]
6th CPC did not recommend merger of DA: Finance Ministry’s reply to NC, JCM (Staff Side)

6th CPC did not recommend merger of DA: Finance Ministry’s reply to NC, JCM (Staff Side)

Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance replied to NC, JCM (Staff Side) in his letter dated 17.06.2014 that 6th CPC has not been recommended m [...]

Plea for ‘no tax regime’ for pensioners by Vellore Institute of Development Studies (VIDS)

Plea for ‘no tax regime’ for pensioners The Vellore Institute of Development Studies (VIDS) has urged the Central government to introduce a bold ‘No [...]
Pension and Other Retirement Benefits: Part II of NC, JCM Memorandum submitted to 7th CPC

Pension and Other Retirement Benefits: Part II of NC, JCM Memorandum submitted to 7th CPC

Part II MEMORANDUM ON PENSION AND OTHER RETIREMENT BENEFITS Chapter Title. I Introduction II New Pension Scheme III [...]
Income Tax, Women Employees, Bonus, Transfer Policy, LDC-UDC Matter, Anamolies of 6th CPC, NPS: Chapter 17 of JC, JCM(Staff Side) memorandum to 7th CPC

Income Tax, Women Employees, Bonus, Transfer Policy, LDC-UDC Matter, Anamolies of 6th CPC, NPS: Chapter 17 of JC, JCM(Staff Side) memorandum to 7th CPC

Chapter XVII of NC, JCM(Staff Side)'s Memorandum includes these points:- Income tax on salary, Liabilities of a person who Die in harness, Women Empl [...]
HBA, Compassionate Appointment, Promotions, Traiing, Leave, Holiday, Working Hours, LTC, MACP, CGEGIS, Medical Facilities: Chapter 16 from NC, JCM Staff Side memorandum to 7th CPC

HBA, Compassionate Appointment, Promotions, Traiing, Leave, Holiday, Working Hours, LTC, MACP, CGEGIS, Medical Facilities: Chapter 16 from NC, JCM Staff Side memorandum to 7th CPC

Housing facilities, House Building Advance, Scheme for Appointment on Compassionate Ground, Career progression: Grant five promotions in the service [...]
1 15 16 17 18 19 170 / 183 POSTS