Revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners: PCDA Order


Circular No.102.

Dated: 11th February 2013. 

The Treasury Officer

Subject: Revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners โ€“ reg. 

Reference: This office Important Circulars No. 57 bearing no. GI/C/0198/VOL-I/Tech dated 17-09-2008, 62 bearing no. GI/C/0198/VOI-II/Tech dated 12-11-2008 and Circular no. 96 bearing no. GI/C/0198/VOL-IV/Tech dated 04-12-2012. 

Attention of all pension disbursing authorities is invited to above cited circulars wherein instructions had been issued for implementation of GOI, Ministry of P,PG and pensions, Deptt of P&PW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A,) dated 01 September 2008 and that Ministry OM.No. 1/3/2011-P&PW (E) dated 25-05-2012. Now, GOI, Ministry of P,PG and pension, Dept of P&PW have further issued orders under their OM No. 38/37/08 P&PW (A) dated 28-01-2013, a copy of which is enclosed for immediate implementation. 

2. According to current orders, pension of pre-2006 pensioners as revised w.e.f. 01- 01-2006 in terms of para 4.1 or para 4.2 of the OM dated 01-09-2008 as amended from time to time would be further stepped up to 50% of the sum of minimum of pay in pay band and the grade pay corresponding to the pre- revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired, as arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the Min of Fin, Deptt of Expenditure OM No. 1/1/2008 โ€“ IC dated 30-08-2008. In case of HAG and above scales, this will be 50% of the minimum of the pay in the revised pay scale arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the above referred OM dated 30-08-2008 of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure.
3. The normal family pension of pre-2006 pensioners as revised w.e.f. 01-01-2006 in terms of para 4.1 or para 4.2 of the OM dated 01-09-2008 as amended from time to time would be further stepped up to 30% of the sum of minimum of pay in pay band and the grade pay corresponding to the pre- revised pay scale from which the Government servant had retired, as arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the Min of Fin, Deptt of Expenditure OM No. 1/1/2008 โ€“ IC dated 30-08-2008. In case of HAG and above scales, this will be 50% of the minimum of the pay in the revised pay scale arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the above referred OM dated 30-08-2008 of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. 
4. A revised concordance table ( Annexure ) of the pre โ€“ 1996, pre-2006 and post 2006 pay scales/pay bands indicating the pension/family pension (at ordinary rates) payable under the above provisions is enclosed to facilitate payment of revised pension/family pension. 
5. The pension so arrived at in accordance with para 2 above and indicated in col.9 of Annexure will be reduced/prorata where the pensioner had less than the maximum required service ( 33 years ) for full pension and in no case it will be less than Rs. 3500/- p.m. 
6. Further, it has also been decided that:- 
(i) In case of Govt. servants who died while in service before 01-01-2006 and in respect of whom enhanced family pension is applicable from. 24-09-2012 the enhanced family pension will be stepped up to 50% of the sum of minimum of pay in the pay band and the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale in which the Govt. servant had died, as arrived at with reference to the fitment table annexed to the Fin of Finance OM dated 30-08-2008 & in case of HAG and above scales this will be 50% of the minimum of the pay in revised pay scale arrived at with reference to the fitment table annexed to the OM dated 30-08-2008. 
(ii) In the case of a pensioner who retired before 01-01-2006 and in respect of whom enhanced family pension is applicable from the date of approval by the Government, i.e. 24-09-2012, the enhanced family pension will be stepped up to the amount of pension as 2 revised in terms of para 2 read with para 5 above. In case the pensioner has died before 24-09-2012, the pension will be revised notionally in terms of para 2 read with para 5 above. The amount of revised enhanced family pension will, however, not be less than the amount of family pension at ordinary rates as revised in terms of Para 3 above. 
7. In case the pension consolidated pension/family pension/enhanced family pension calculated as per Para 4.1 of OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 01-09-2008 is higher than the pension/family pension calculated in the manner indicated above, the same ( higher consolidated pension/family pension ) will continue to be treated as basic pension/family pension. 
8. These orders will take effect from 24-09-2012. There will be no change in the amount of revised pension/family pension paid during the period 01-01-2006 and 23-09- 2012, and, therefore, no arrears will be payable on account of these orders for that period. 
9. All pension disbursing authorities are therefore, requested to revise the pension/family pension in affected cases in terms of Govt. OM dated 28-01-2013. Payment made w.e.f. 24-09-2012 will be adjusted against the arrears now being paid and these cases may be reflected in the monthly account sent to this office as โ€˜change itemโ€™. 
10. Where the PDAs are in doubt in regulating the payment of revised pension/family pension under these orders, the cases with full details of pensioner/family pensioners and PPO No: etc may be referred to Audit Section of this office for advice and further action.

Dated: 11th February 2013.


Source: http://pcdapension.nic.in/6cpc/Circular-102.pdf [click here]

Revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners : DoP&PW Order [click here to see]

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  • Bijendra Dubey 9 years ago

    Kindly tell me ,when we will get arrears of pre 2006 pensioners.

  • Balan Mt 9 years ago

    (Janendra kumar sahoo) Sir. Sub Gp Y, 28 yrs, 01 May 2005, My ID mtb17m@gmail.com Ple sent my calculation sheet.

    Thanks sir

  • janendra kumar sahoo 9 years ago

    Devender ji,
    Please send your details to its mejanendra@gmail.com as folows :-
    Rank, Group,Qualifying service, Date of retirement and your mail ID.
    I will send your calculation sheet,
    With regards
    J K Sahoo(Ex Army/Clk(GD)

  • devinder kohli 9 years ago

    Please let me know. What are my arrears
    Of pre 2006. To be paid now.

  • Capt KL Saini, Panchkula 9 years ago

    We agree with your comments Ramakrishnan Narayan Rao, posted on 20 Aug 2015. This fact is actually being happened with the retiree personnel from the Army, who are in confusion at the time of retirement, because his home is not built, his children are between the education and lastly his resettlement is unexpected because he is being touted by the civilian by giving meagre salary and taking much work. โ€“ Hony Capt KL Saini, Panchkula

  • Ramakrishnan Narayana Rao 10 years ago

    85% of soldiers retire at age of 36 to 38 as govt. wants young force. Railway and other govt employees retire at age of 60. A soldiers children just starts attending school when he retires. Govt. servants get children education allowance, hostel subsidy etc for his children's education. Does the government give these allowances for a retired soldiers children ?. Does the govt. gives alternate employment to soldier till he attain the age of 60? Mind you at the time time his entry to service he takes a pinch of salt and swears that he will defend the nation even at the peril of his life. Which government servant swears like him and abide by it? Is it not the duty of the govt. to provide for the soldier's decent living? Hence they are asking for OROP. Secondly when there is national calamity like flood, cyclone, etc. who goes for assistance? When a soldier helps others, he shares his dry ROTI with him, where as Govt servants claim for breakfast, lunch and dinner from star hotel. Do you know, a soldier on rescue mission does not mostly get any T A. So do not compare yourself with a soldier and demand OROP. Mainly soldiers are asking for OROP only for survival after having served the Nation .