Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC – Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears in respect of (a) Autonomous organisations (b) Central Government Employees who are working in Autonomous bodies on deemed deputation.: Confederation writes to Ministry of Finance
Ref: Confdn/7th CPC/Autonomous/2016-19
Dated – 20.09.2016
The Secretary (Expenditure)
Ministry of Finance (Govt. of India)
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: – Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC – Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears in respect of – (a) Autonomous organisations (b) Central Government Employees who are working in Autonomous bodies on deemed deputation.
1. Please refer to the Government of India, Department of Finance & Department of Expenditure Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 25.07.2016 bringing out the decisions of the Government on the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission as well as consequent promulgation of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2016, notified vide G. S. R. No. 721(E) dated 25th July 2016 regarding fixation of pay in the revised pay structure effective from 01.01.2016.
2. Every time, when Revise Pay Rules in respect of Central Government Employees are used, the Government used to issue separate orders regarding the extension of those benefits to the employees of Autonomous Organisations etc. whose pattern of emolument structure are identical to those of the Central government employees. Last time the Revised Pay Rules was issued on 30.08.2008 and orders extending the benefit to similarly placed employees of Autonomous bodies was issued on 30.09.2008. This time even though the Revised Pay Rules are issued on 25.07.2016, till this day i.e. even after a lapse of more than one month orders regarding Autonomous bodies is not issued.
3. Further it is reported that the employees of working at Central Food Laboratory, Kolkata (Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of India) who are on deemed deputation has not been paid the Revised salary for the month of August 2016 in terms of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 by the Director, Central Food Laboratory. Director, CFL has issued orders to draw the pay on the basis of pre-revised pay even in respect of those Central Government employees working at CFL who are on deemed deputation. He has equated employees of the Autonomous organizations with the employees on deemed deputation.
Above action of the Director, CFL, Kolkata appears to be not in conformity with the Para- 7 of OM No. 1-5/2016-IC dated 28.07.2016 in letter and spirit.
4. In view of the above, it is requested that clear instructions may be issued to all Ministries regarding applicability of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 in respect of
(a) Employees of Autonomous Bodies
(b) Central Government employees who are on deemed deputation to Autonomous bodies.
A line in reply from your end will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: – 09447068125
Source: Confederation
Still, Department of Science & Technology (DST) autonomous Institutes are did not get 7th CPC. Anybody have idea about this issue.
pl keep informing about the autonomous bodies which get pay commission in future.
Any recent news or possibility to get 7cpc for autonomous bodies
Allowance committee also submitted report and CG employee will get soon.. However still many of the autonomous bodies waiting…
which autonomous bodies got 7th CPC after the notification was out in the january?
see link below:
Autonomous bodies has to generate a revenue of 20 – 30% of increased salary (due to implementation of 7 CPC). Or else be satisfied with 6th CPC. Of course DA will be given at higher rate than 7th CPC and annual increments will be @ 3%.
This order is NOT enough for implementation.
In memorandum, govt. is declared; we (autonomous) are not central government employee.
Unexpected response from Government
I guess, we need to wait further.
Its more difficult to get the benefits of 7th CPC for those organizations which does not have its own source of income.
No order has come. checked in Min.of Finance website.
You didnot check in right way. I have already downloaded it from finmin website in both english and hindi vesion.please go to the and there would be very first link in recent update list.I hope u will find it now.
Now order came but what next
7th CPC to autonomoous bodies have been implemented and notification has arrived.
Anybody have updates about 7th cpc extension to Autnomous bodies..
Kindly share please…
Please check the below link:
Any updates about 7th CPC for Autonomous Bodies?
Please refer to this parliamentry question regrding implementation of 7th CPC to autonomous bodies.
No good news.
Why this step motherly treatment? I do not know how many pensioners will live to see the 7th. cpc when it is implemented to autonomous bodies. what is the problems when the previous Govts. extented the benefits of cpc up to 6th.
Government has taken right step in right moment and i think ball deserve the right treatment.This time Lots of funds are coming in a rapid speed. No fund crises now.Hope good days are coming. This is the high time to implement the recommendation of the 7th pay commission for autonomous bodies like CSIR staff and its pensioner. Date of implementation should be 1.1.2016 as declared by the government. Black money should be utilized properly as a white money for the central government staff and pensioner. Hope for the best.
So that means It will take time to implement 7PC for CSIR right ?????
Hope so
It will be given to autonomous bodies. This is for sure. I presume January 2017,if early, may it be July '17 if extremely delayed.
But likely to be before this financial year because tax slab is higher now and next year may be changed, govt remains under loss if paid after March '17.
Only your Honourable Prime minister and Finance minister can answer your question.
Who can answer this question??????
Please let us know whether we can get 7th cpc extension to autonomous bodies or not?
Implementation of the 7th Pay commission for all the central govt.staff should be crystal clear and uniform and implemented immediately at one stroke. I am surprised to know the long delay in it. Under present honest govt. it should be implemented. We all are waiting for the good days but experiencing trouble some days. It is for the first time.
Mr Biresh I have doubt over your comments of using the word honest. May be it is applicable to Prime minister alone. He is trying his best to be honest. But for others how far it is true! Does everything go honest in your department? Is there every thing alright both from higher to lower end?
Coming to 7th cpc implementation for autonomous bodies,it is reported that govt has asked about 685 autonomous bodies to answer why the benefits of 7th cpc will be extended to them. What is their performance and contributions for the nation? But so far about 390 organisations have given reply. The rest are yet to. When asked the time frame for implementation, the finance ministry did not have any reply.
Now, it is our part to presume.
This is the direct link of website
Dear friends,
Some agencies are spreading false news that the employee confedration has deffered the strike and march to parliament scheduled on 15-12-2016. It is completely a false news being spreaded to make the movement unsuccessful. Pls do not believe to such news and visit the confedration website to know the fact.
As per my calculation, the govt. will issue the order for autonomous bodies only in next budget.
Anyway!!!!!. Can anybody have any analytical conclusion after reading of above circular. What does it stand for?? And what is in the mind of Govt??
Yes, i also do have the same circular few days back. However, it may be that the department of expenditure has designed a common reply in the form of above circular so that the huge amount of RTI in context of 7th CPC to autonomous bodies could be disposed. I think so.
Message received but that doesn't seem to RTI reply. That is a common circular available in the Web since last few days. If any RTI reply is there please send once more to
Shalabh Sir kindly send me mail to my id
please send a copy on my email id
Thanks Mr. Shalabh. I got the email.
Thanks Mr. Shalabh. I got the email.
Shalabh Sir kindly send me mail to my id
Applicability of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission in respect of Autonomous/Statutory Bodies: FinMin Order
F. No. 1/1/2016-E.III (A) (eFTS-298581/2016)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 17th November 2016
Subject: Applicability of the revised pay scales based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission in respect of employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies set-up by and funded/controlled by the Central Government-regarding.
All the Financial Advisors of various Ministries/Departments under the Central Government are aware that the recommendations of the Central Pay Commissions are not directly applicable in case of employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies set-up by and funded/controlled by the Central Government. Therefore, once the recommendations of the Central Pay Commissions are accepted and implemented by the Central Government in respect of Central Government employees, separate orders are issued by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, regarding extension of the orders applicable to the Central Government employees to the employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies set-up by and funded [controlled by the Central Government, based on the stipulations and conditions laid down therein. This was the practice adopted at the time of the 4th, 5th & 6th Pay Commissions. A reference is made to this Ministry's OM No. 7/23/2008~E-IIIA dated 30.9.2008 issued at the time of 6th Central Pay Commission.
2. No orders have so far been issued by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure in regard to applicability of the orders issued by the Government regarding revised pay scales based on the 7th Central Pay Commission in respect of the employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies set-up by and funded/controlled by the Central Government. The matter is under consideration. As and when a decision is taken regarding applicability of the revised pay scales based on the 7th Central Pay Commission, as accepted by the Government in respect of the Central Government employees, in case of such employees, appropriate orders will be issued for its applicability in respect of employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies set-up by and funded/controlled by the Central Government. Till such time, revised pay scales shall not be extended in respect of such employees.
3. This issues with the approval of Finance Secretary.
(Ashok Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
All Financial Advisors of Government of India
Sir, Is it the RTI reply
It is requested that please send the same to me on
Shalabh Sir kindly send me mail to my id
Please send it to
Thanks and Regards
Mail sent and a sad news also for employees of autonomous bodies.Some reliable sources conformed that for autonomous bodies 7CPC wil be implemented from July-17.Infact Goa Govt also did the same thing
Please send the mail to my id (
Mr. Shalabh, will you please forward your rti reply to
This message is reply of RTI???????
dear shalabh
pl fw rti reply to as ear as possible
Please send the RTI reply to my mail I'd
Thanking you in advance.
Shalabh Sir,
Please send the email to my email id: (
Thanks in advance.