
Earmarking of reservation quota for women and senior citizens: Railway Board Commercial Circular No. 51/2015

Earmarking of reservation quota for women and senior citizens: Railway Board Commercial Circular No. 51/2015

2012/TG-I/20/P/Lower Berth 
New Delhi, dated 31 08.2015
The Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.

Sub: Earmarking of reservation quota for women and senior citizens.

With a view to facilitate  senior citizens and female passengers, when travelling alone, a combined reservation quota of two lower berths per coach was earmarked in Sleeper, 3AC and 2AC classes for Senior Citizens, female passenger’s above the age of 45 and pregnant women vide Commercial Circular No. 40 of 2007 dated 18.04.2007.
1.1 These instructions were slightly modified vide Commercial Circular No. 15 of 2015 dated 13.03.2015, wherein the quota of 2 lower berths per coach in Sleeper class was enhanced to 4 lower berths per coach.
1.2 Complaints/suggestions were being received from time to time for allowing two senior citizens/female passengers to book berths under this quota. This was not being allowed as there was possibility of splitting the party in two different coaches in case some berths in a coach under this quota have already been booked.
2. The matter has been reviewed and it has been decided that the facility of booking tickets under senior citizen quota may be provided where in a single application, two passengers are in a combination of senior citizens/female passengers above the age of 45/pregnant women. Passengers not falling in the category of passengers eligible to book ticket under Senior Citizen Quota will not be allowed to book tickets in combination with other passenger who is eligible for this quota.
2.1 CRIS will make necessary modifications in the software w.e.f. 1st January 2016 and advise the date of effect to all Zonal Railways as well as this office. The passengers are required to be suitably informed that in such cases, the party may get split. in two different coaches. For this purpose following actions” are required to be taken:
i. For online booking , IRCTC will make a provision that whenever two passengers are being booked in Senior Citizen Quota, a popup message should come that the passengers may get split in two coaches and if they want to proceed they should type “Yes”.
ii. CRIS will also examine the feasibility of giving a popup message on the screen of PRS terminal and the reservation Clerk will be required to indicate โ€˜Yesโ€™ after informing the passenger / his representative booking the ticket.
iii. Zonal Railways will also give Wide publicity through all possible means including displaying of information in PRS centers to educate passengers on this account.
3. Necessary instructions may be issued to all concerned.
(Vikram Singh)
Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board



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